Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Samsung Galaxy S2 “shows” 1.2 GHz, Droid Charge release date still MIA

New Samsung Galaxy S2 commercial boasts 1.2 GHz dual-core processor in a new commercial. Droid Charge still MIA.

While the United States of America is still waiting for the official release date of the Samsung Galaxy S2, the Korean-based company released a new commercial in English language, announcing that the upcoming Android phone will ship with dual-core processor clocked at 1.2 GHz.
Aside from the upgraded processing power, the commercial also confirmed that the upcoming Android smartphone supports HSPA+. So, no LTE for the Galaxy S2 in USA?

See the new Samsung Galaxy S2 commercial below:

Speaking of Long Term Evolution, Samsung’s first Verizon LTE phone, the Samsung Droid Charge, is now available in the carrier’s official website, but the release date is still not available. Verizon is currently gathering e-mail addresses of customers waiting for their second Long Term Evolution smartphone. Droid Charge’s original release date was April 28th.

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